Cellular Healing Hour
Free 60-minute Frequency Session for Multidimensional Renewal

This recorded session includes a brief talk about Frequency Healing mechanics and a deep Frequency Meditation focused on cellular healing. Sanni provides guidance and somatic frequency-level support throughout the session. This work happens beyond the concept of linear space-time and the recording will be available for those that cannot make it to the live session!
After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email from Eternal Present with instructions to create personal login info for Podia unless you already have it from the previous frequency immersions. In Podia, you will access all the course content. If you do not find the email, please check promotions/junk mail and contact sanni@eternal-present.com if you have any trouble.
How Does It Work?
You can learn more about Somatic Frequency Work here. The session will include an in-depth exploration of the topic, and a guided meditation while receiving frequency-level guidance and calibration. There may be movement and journaling included. We will always work with what needs the attention the most at the time of the session both individually and as a group. You may remain seated throughout the session or choose to lie down, move or stand.
Sanni carries a gift to see where distorting patterns (collective, hereditary, or individual) are existing in your body, bioenergetic field, and timeline and helps you to clear it out of your system while generating empowering frequencies. Sanni provides Somatic Frequency Work and guidance throughout the sessions and creates a space to reflect on how these patterns show up in your life and how to generate calm confidence to create new pathways. We create a space to move away from searching for solutions from the outside and go to the matter of fact within. Learn more about Sanni’s here.
When we work as a group we can generate more powerful frequencies and go much deeper. Greater refinement, clarity, and expansion are available to us each day and it wants to be embodied in our daily lives! This work doesn’t only benefit you but every single person you interact with as well as the collective awakening of humankind.
Questions? Send a message here.